Week 21

 Dear Parents and Students,

Chinese Week has been a lot of fun, and a great way to end the semester. Thank you to Ms Tsai and Ms Lin for all of the special activities throughout the week!  We also enjoyed a birthday party on Wednesday for Abby, Ivan, Yi-Kai, and Sunny. Thank you to all parents for the pizza and treats!

In the Classroom:


We had our Topic 10 test on Tuesday, and we have begun Topic 11. This is a continuation of our study of fractions, and we have learned how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. This is a short topic, and our topic test will take place the first Thursday of the week we return after the break.

Literacy Workshop

To follow the theme of Chinese Week, we read The Last Dragon in class. This is a story about an American boy who spends time with his Chinese aunt to learn about his heritage. We had some interesting and insightful discussions in our Reading Circles, and our skills in drawing inferences are developing further each week. After the break, in the weeks leading up to Literacy Week, we will be working on a Book Review project. A description of the project has been sent home, and an electronic copy is available on Google Classroom. Students are required to select a book to review, and we will begin drafting our reviews a week after we return from vacation.


We have finished our work with Rube Goldberg machines for the time being, and we have had a lot of fun designing chain-reactions and learning how to store, transfer, and release energy. We will return to our explorations of energy transfer later in the year, but immediately after the break, we will turn our attention to electricity. Everyone has received a guidebook outlining the upcoming Science Fair. Take some time to look through the guide, and we will discuss it all in detail after the break.

Social Studies

We reviewed what we have studied of the American Northeast, and sat an open-book test on Thursday. After the break, we will shift our attention to the Southeast, and we will compare the two regions, along with similar and contrasting areas around the world.

Other important information

Classes will resume on Monday, 30th January, and clubs will begin two weeks later,  on Monday, 13th February. These and other important dates are listed below.

I hope you all enjoy the break, and I look forward to seeing everyone again on the 30th!

Dates to remember:

Jan 20 - 29: Lunar New Year Vacation

Thu Feb 2: Math test - Topic 11

Mon Feb 13: Semester 2 clubs begin

Feb 20-24: Literacy Week

Wed Feb 22: Caves book sale

Feb 27-28: 2/28 Peace Day holiday - school closed

Click here for more photos of our Chinese Week activities.
