Week 14

 Dear Parents and Students,

I would first like to thank all parents for making the time to come in for our Parent/Teacher Interviews. Open communication is an integral part of every child’s development. The parent/teacher meetings are always insightful, and most often lead to further improvements in your children’s academic opportunities and general wellbeing.


In the Classroom:


The week has been dedicated to division. We have used diagrams and expanded algorithms to find the quotients of single, double, and triple digit dividends.  We will continue with Topic 8 next week, with the test to take place on the following Tuesday.

Literacy Workshop

This week, in our Reading Circles, we read and discussed A Very Important Day. We have almost completed our grammar unit dedicated to verbs, and we will review the unit next week. We will also begin a new theme in our Reading Circles next week, starting with Chris Van Allsburg’s The Stranger.


We completed our Earth Science unit this week, with our unit test taking place on Friday. Next week, we will begin our Physical Science unit, starting with an investigation into speed and energy. Of course, we also have our field trip to the Taichung Earthquake Museum to look forward to on Wednesday.

Social Studies

We have spent most of the week reviewing what we have learned about different types of regions, and we also learned how to locate and identify different features on a regional map. Next week, we will focus our study on the geography of the Northeast USA.

Other important information

Our field trip will take place on Wednesday. As outlined in the original letter home, please dress according to the weather, as part of the museum is outside. 

As you know, we will celebrate Thanksgiving next Thursday. Due to current Covid-19 protocol, it will be a students-only affair. We will miss all the parents, but we will certainly be thinking about you, and giving thanks that restrictions in Taiwan are gradually lifting.

As always, important upcoming dates are listed below. I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and I’ll see you all next Monday.

Dates to remember:

Wed Nov 23: Field trip - Taichung Earthquake Museum

Thu Nov 24: Thanksgiving lunch

Fri         Nov 25: Monthly assembly (October and November)

Fri         Dec 9: Christmas Concert

Thu Dec 15: Winter break commences

Happy birthday, Bruce and Kantaro!
