Week 5

 Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you to all parents who were able to find time to join the online parent introductory evenings. It was great to meet you all and to share the time with you.  Thank you also for signing and returning the various tests and rubrics during the week.

In the Classroom:


We held our Topic 2 test on Tuesday, and had a performance assessment on Wednesday. We have now begun Topic 3, and we are reviewing what we know about multiplication. Next week, we will focus on the properties and patterns that can be used to simplify multiplication of whole numbers. The topic test will take place next Friday.

Literacy Workshop

We began planning and drafting our Personal Narrative stories this week. We will continue drafting, revising, and editing our stories next week, with an aim to publish on Thursday. We have also completed our first unit of our grammar lessons. Next week, we will begin a new unit dedicated to nouns.


We began our Earth Science unit with an introduction to the Mystery Science program, beginning with an investigation of a fossil bed found in Nebraska. We will continue to add to our predictions, hypotheses, and conclusions as we work through the unit. Next week, we will be focusing on volcanoes, and looking for patterns in their formation.

Social Studies

We have been focusing on natural resources this week, and reviewing the work we have done since the beginning of the term. We will continue our review next week, and prepare for our first open-book test, which will take place next Thursday.

Other important information

Dates to remember:

Thu Sep 22: Social Studies open book test

Fri       Sep 23:    Maths test - Topic 3

M-F Sep 26–30: Global Awareness Week

Wed. Sep. 28: Dress in blue

Fri. Sep. 30: Monthly Assembly
